Vanessa Sokic
Architectural Designer MArch, BArch Hons

Vanessa’s first co-op work term as a University of Waterloo undergraduate architecture student was at PLANT, in 2018. In between that initial stint and attaining her Master of Architecture degree from the University of Toronto, in 2024, she completed several additional employment terms at PLANT and also gained professional experience in Amsterdam and Vancouver. Upon graduating, she joined PLANT’s team full-time as an architectural designer. Vanessa is deeply interested in design as an antidote to social challenges. Her master’s thesis proposed retrofitting underutilized schools in neighbourhoods with aging populations as local community health hubs; these centres would provide seniors with centralized access to aging-in-place care services, along with and opportunities for socialization. Vanessa’s PLANT experience ranges from painting the Face to Face/Tête à Tête King Street curb lane parklet bright orange and blue all over to preparing the construction documents package for the Maintenance Building at the Town of Newmarket’s Mulock Park. She enjoys residential projects that involve close collaboration with homeowners to develop designs that will bring them joy. Her current projects in this category include renovations to a Helena Avenue residence – her third project on that street – and new front and back gardens for a Gwynne Avenue home.