Trafalgar Campus Master Plan

public institutional infrastructure streetscape master plan campus
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Following our phased Master Plan for the Sheridan College Trafalgar Road Campus, initiated in 2011, Sheridan engaged us to develop the first of the three proposed ‘Greens’ that will be instrumental in reorienting the main campus entry to the north. The new Welcome Centre Landscape is a green core surrounded by the existing art building, the newly expanded Welcome Centre, and a new 455-seat theatre. The Welcome Landscape includes a new shared pedestrian loop, an amphitheatre for causal seating and programmed theatre, a large green for play and outside art activities, new native planting, entry signage, and plenty of seating, bike storage, and lighting. Revisions to the parking lot include a bioswale and storm cistern, designed in careful coordination with Conservation Halton. The project encompasses the first stage of upgrades to the campus roadway loop system, which includes bike lanes and ‘pedestrian-first’ concepts.